It’s All Good
Everyone says this all the time and most of us mean "It’s All Good, but it could be better." And it would be better, If Only:
If Only, I was in better shape.
If Only, my boss wasn’t a jerk.
If Only, my husband would help around the house.
If Only, I had a better job.
If Only, I had more money.
I bet right now you are going through your list of “If Onlys” and nodding your head. You are waiting for something or someone to change so that you really mean It’s All Good!
Here’s the thing. No one must change. Bosses can act anyway they want. Husbands don’t have to do any chores. Nothing must change. You don’t have to lose weight, change jobs, or make more money.
Our If Only thoughts are just that, thoughts. We can feel good without anything or anyone changing. We 100% get to choose the thoughts that serve us. We can stop making the things we can’t control mean something about us or blame others for how we are feeling.
You decide what thoughts are serving you and which aren’t.
How are your If Only thoughts keeping you stuck in a life that isn’t all that you want it to be?